Experience Montpelier, the Capitol of the State of Vermont, rich in history, vitalty, art and culture.
Interested in becoming involved in this project? Please feel free to send your inquiry. Experience Montpelier As a directory and marketing project for the City of Montpelier with its primary purpose to: foster economic development, stimulate ﷯commerce and drive traffic to local businesses, Experience Montpelier is formatted to primarily accommodate local businesses and include photos, links to websites, as well as specific and detailed information about its participants. Experience Montpelier is designed and constructed by Marcia Horne, Marketing Consulting, For more information or if you are interested in advertising please don't hesitate to contact me. Please feel free to contact me for more information or to schedule an appointment. Digital Media Vermont Phone:802-622-8000 Email: info@experiencemontpelier.com Mailing Address: 28 Pearl Street Unit 81 Barre, VT 05641

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This project and website are developed and maintained by Digital Media Vermont. For more information regarding Montpelier, Montpelier local businesses, a directory of Vermont State Agencies and Vermont State Board Meetings visit: Montpelier Alive Vermont General Assembly Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Vermont Agency of Transportation State of Vermont Vermont Department of Labor A Directory of All VT State Agencies Vermont State Archives Vermont State Library Experience Barre An exciting new directory of Montpelier's Twin City